Does Wells Fargo Provide FICO Scores?

Wells Fargo provides FICO scores to eligible customers through their Credit Close-Up program.  

However, customer needs to fulfill the given criteria. What are minimum criteria? and how to become eligible, we’ll discuss each and every point. 

Table of Contents:

What is a FICO score?

Why are there different FICO scores?

How can I get my FICO scores? 

3 Reasons Why You’re Wells Fargo FICO Score Might Differ from Your Experian Score

Different Sources of Data

Different FICO Score Models

Timing Discrepancies 

What to do if you’re Wells Fargo FICO Score Differs from Your Experian Score

Review your credit report

Contact Wells Fargo

Consider using a credit monitoring service 

What FICO score does Wells Fargo offer?

Wells Fargo offers FICO Score 9 from Experian through Credit Close-Up. This is one of the most widely used credit score models by lenders, making it valuable for understanding your overall credit health. Wells Fargo Autograph Card

FICO Score Model

Bureau Provided

Additional Features

FICO Score 9 from Experian


Free access through Credit Close-Up program for eligible Wells Fargo customers. Simple access via Wells Fargo Online. Personalized credit monitoring alerts. Full access to your Experian credit report. Personalized score and tips.

 Who is Eligible for The Free FICO Score?

You must be the primary account holder of an eligible Wells Fargo consumer account with a FICO Score available and enrolled in Wells Fargo Online. Eligible accounts include deposit, loan, and credit accounts, but other consumer accounts may also be eligible.

How Do I Access My Free FICO Score?

If you meet the eligibility criteria, you can access your free FICO Score 9 through Wells Fargo Online or the Wells Fargo mobile app.

Does Wells Fargo offer any other credit score services?

In addition to the free FICO Score 9, Credit Close-Up also offers:

Full access to your Experian credit report:

Personalized credit monitoring alerts if Experian detects an event that may impact your credit score: 

Personalized score and tips to help you maintain or improve your score.

What Are The Limitations of Wells Fargo's FICO Score Service?

It only provides access to your FICO Score 9 from Experian. You don't get access to your scores from the other two major credit bureaus.

The score provided may be different from scores used by lenders, as lenders can choose which specific FICO score model they use.

What Are Alternatives to Getting Your FICO Score?

You can request your free annual credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus at

While the report won't include your FICO score, it will show you the information that goes into calculating your score, allowing you to identify any potential errors.

Many credit card companies and other lenders offer free access to your credit score as part of their online banking or mobile app services.

Some third-party websites and credit monitoring services offer credit score access for a fee.

Why is My Wells Fargo FICO Score Different From Credit Karma?

There are several reasons why your Wells Fargo FICO score might be different from your Credit Karma score. Following are some of the most common: Best Credit Card For Travel

Different Credit Bureaus:

Wells Fargo provides your FICO Score 9 from Experian, while Credit Karma typically shows scores from TransUnion and Equifax (depending on your location). Each bureau holds slightly different information on your credit report, so your scores can vary slightly.

Different Scoring Models:

Wells Fargo offers FICO Score 9, while Credit Karma typically uses Vantage Score 3.0. These are different credit scoring models with different algorithms and weightings for different factors like payment history, credit utilization, and length of credit history.

Reporting Timing:

Information reported to credit bureaus can take time to update. Your Wells Fargo score might reflect the latest updates, while you’re Credit Karma score might lag slightly behind.

Incomplete Credit Reporting:

Not all lenders report to all three credit bureaus. If a specific lender only reports to Experian, it will impact your Wells Fargo FICO score but not your Credit Karma score.

Does Anyone Get an 850 FICO Score?

Yes, some people do achieve the coveted 850 FICO score, the pinnacle of creditworthiness. In fact, as of April 2023, about 1.7% of people who meet the minimum requirements for a FICO Score had an 850.

Earning an 850 FICO score takes dedication and responsible credit management over an extended period. 

A long and spotless credit history: This means having a long history of on-time payments across all types of credit accounts, with no delinquencies, collections, or bankruptcies.

Low credit utilization: People with 850 FICO scores typically keep their credit card balances very low compared to their credit limits. Aiming for a credit utilization ratio below 10% is ideal.

A diverse mix of credit accounts: Having a mix of credit accounts, such as mortgages, car loans, credit cards, and lines of credit, can demonstrate your ability to manage different types of credit responsibly.

Responsible financial habits: People with 850 FICO scores generally practice good financial habits beyond just credit, such as budgeting effectively, saving regularly, and avoiding unnecessary debt.

If you're interested in improving your credit score, there are a number of steps you can take.  Following are a few tips:

Pay your bills on time, every time: This is the single most important factor in your credit score.

Keep your credit utilization low: Aim to use no more than 10% of your available credit limit on any given credit card.

Review your credit report regularly: Make sure there are no errors on your credit report that could be dragging down your score.

Build a positive credit history: If you don't have much credit history, consider getting a secured credit card or becoming an authorized user on someone else's credit card.

Seek professional help if needed: If you're struggling to improve your credit score on your own, consider consulting with a credit counselor or financial advisor.

Why is my Wells Fargo FICO score different from Experian?

There are several reasons why your Wells Fargo FICO score might be different from your Experian score, even though both use FICO models. Here are some of the most common:

Different Sources of Data:

Wells Fargo only shows you your FICO Score 9 from Experian, while Experian might show you FICO scores from all three credit bureaus.

If certain lenders only report to Experian, their information will only impact your Experian score and not the one shown by Wells Fargo.

Different FICO Score Models:

There are numerous FICO score models in use, each with slightly different weighting for factors like payment history, credit utilization, and length of credit history.

While Wells Fargo likely uses FICO Score 9, Experian might show you scores from other FICO models as well, leading to discrepancies.

Timing Discrepancies:

Information reported to credit bureaus can take time to update. Your Wells Fargo score might reflect the latest updates, while your Experian score might lag slightly behind.

Key Points You Can Do to Understand The Differences:

Download your free annual credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus at This will allow you to compare your information and identify any potential errors.

Reach out to Wells Fargo for more details on the specific FICO score model they use. Consider using a credit monitoring service that provides scores from all three bureaus. This will give you a more comprehensive picture of your credit health. Wells Fargo Account Opening Tips

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do Wells Fargo and Experian use the same scoring model?

No, while both use FICO models, they may not use the same specific version. Wells Fargo likely uses FICO Score 9, but Experian might show you scores from other FICO models as well.

Why Are There Timing Differences Between The Scores?

Information reported to credit bureaus can take time to update. Your Wells Fargo score might reflect the latest changes, while your Experian score might lag slightly behind.

Should I be worried about the score difference?

A small difference is expected due to the reasons mentioned above. However, a significant discrepancy could indicate inaccurate information on one or more of your credit reports.

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